Powertruck ensures the optimization of both your lashing process and the safety for the load, the operator and any third party. Thanks to its doubled STF regarding a standard ratchet, you can at least halve the number of webbings necessary when lashing with covering method. Powertruck is intended for use on heavy, large and compacts loads, and for truck drivers who carry out several loading and unloading operations daily. This range is manufactured according to standard EN 12 195-2, with a 50 mm wide webbing, a covering LC of 5 000 daN –7,5 T (breaking strength of the webbing only ,5 T or 7500 daN) and a STF of 800 daN.
The range benefits
The benefit of having a doubled 800 daN STF: ultra-powerful and economical tightening. Halve the number of lashing systems for covering lashing method. Ergonomic ratchet with long handle relieves the user's back and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. Multiplied tensioning system: gear system with 3 gear wheels ensuring a multiplied tensioning force. Traceability is guaranteed by the traceability label which is sewn plated on the webbing.Our advantages

About this product
STF = Standard Tension Force. It represents the strength applied by the webbing to maintain the load on the surface. As a reminder, the minimum number of lashing systems for a lashing with covering method is 2, and 4 for a direct lashing. Regular product: effective working length 10 m, fluorescent yellow webbing, closed wire hooks. Ref: 6PT22 1000 40 JAX POWER. 100 % high tenacity polyester fiber webbing and sewing thread: high resistance to friction, abrasion, UV and chemical products.Features
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The advantage of a doubled STF to 800 daN: halve the number of webbings with friction lashing mode.
Adjacent example*
Load, smooth concrete = 7000 kg
Wooden floor
Lashing anlge β = 60° T
Friction coefficient μ = 0,55
Le nombre de systèmes d’arrimage est donné à titre indicatif pour cet exemple précis. Il convient de toujours effectuer le calcul permettant de déterminer le nombre de systèmes d’arrimage nécessaire pour votre arrimage. Nous rappelons également que le nombre minimum de systèmes d’arrimage est de 2 pour un arrimage par recouvrement, et de 4 pour un arrimage en direct.
STF = Tension résiduelle de la sangle, c'est la force qui maintient la charge en place.

Effort de tension démultiplié : le système d’engrenages composé de 3 roues dentées permet d’assurer une force de tension plus importante pour un effort manuel moindre.
Manipulation facilitée : une molette installée sur le côté du tendeur permet d’enrouler et de dérouler facilement la sangle autour de l’axe du tendeur.

Traçabilité optimale : l’étiquette de traçabilité est cousue sur la sangle avec une partie prise sous la couture. Ce qui permet d’assurer sa visibilité en toutes circonstances et de la protéger contre les risques de déchirure et d’arrachement.
Important information
Your safety depends on the proper use of your product. Refer to the operating instructions on the product’s label. Data such as weight are given for information purpose only and may be changing depending on the manufacturing method and the raw material sourcing. We can test our production up to the highest capacities in our laboratory with fatigue or static under proof load tests.You might like these products