As part of the French “Avenir” law n°2018-771 of September 5, 2018, companies with more than 50 employees must publish their gender equality index each year.
For this fourth publication, PMS INDUSTRIE does not obtain a numerical index because, following the global analysis, the maximum number of points of the calculable indicators is lower than 75. It is impossible in these conditions to obtain a calculable index for our structure.
However, it is important to emphasize the following points:
- 30.5% of employees received an individual increase during the period and 100% received a collective increasee
- PMS INDUSTRIE obtains the highest score on the indicator of return from maternity leave.
- Three women are among the ten highest paid, one more than in the previous year.
PMS INDUSTRIE remains deeply attached to professional equality in its values as well as in its social policy.
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