CSR policy
PMS Industrie
PMS Industrie implements a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy based on 3 pillars: environmental, societal and economic.
PMS Industrie’s CSR policy is an opportunity for shared growth, profitable for the company, its employees, partners and, more broadly, civil society and the environment in which we operate. A real incentive for innovation, PMS Industrie’s CSR policy enables the company to move in the right direction.
Because every little bit counts, PMS Industrie is committed to acting for the planet. Individually and collectively, it’s important to be aware of the impact of our actions. That’s why the company carried out a study of Carbon Footprint in 2022, which revealed the carbon footprint of each employee. Collectively, all PMS Industrie stakeholders have been able to see that our ecological impact can only improve through the various actions we have taken.
Today, through these multiple measures in favor of the planet, PMS Industrie wishes to be a model for other entities to act together towards the maximum reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions.
The adventure has only just begun, and there’s much more to come.
Let’s all be eco-responsible, there are no “small actions”.
– For us
– For the planet
– For our children and future generations
generations to come.
PMS Industrie is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by limiting its greenhouse gas emissions. A strategy has been drawn up and a number of more or less long-term actions have been adopted:
- Awareness and prevention campaign within our company (visual information to encourage green actions, compulsory selective sorting, use of reusable water bottles, etc.).
- At production level, we encourage the second life of our products with a repair service, and aim to reduce plastic packaging.
- Future projects: offering recycled polyester slings, promoting the recyclability of slings, raising end-user awareness.
- Choice of committed carriers, maximizing the share of rail and river freight.
- On our premises: switch to a biomass boiler, photovoltaic panels.
- Focus on greener modes of transport: electrify the fleet, encourage car-sharing, install recharging stations.

Waste sorting
Saving resources
Waste reduction
Social and SOCIETAL
The social and societal pillar of the PMS INDUSTRIE CSR approach aims to ensure the long-term viability of our company by including all our stakeholders in our strategy. Creating an atmosphere conducive to the well-being of our employees is essential and relies on various measures:
– Emphasis on equal pay for men and women.
– Involvement of all our employees in social and environmental responsibility by promoting openness to dialogue, and provision of an in-house suggestion box.
– Adapting and improving working conditions.

Working conditions
Safety (PPE)
The economic pillar of the PMS Industrie strategy aims to build a sustainable business through a responsible economic policy:
– By mastering financial and non-financial information.
– Avoiding any conflict of interest.
– By promoting a circular economy.

Circular economy
Customer/supplier loyalty

our actions
Action taken
How to
Reducing plastic packaging on our products
Zero plastic for our product packaging
Cardboard strapping
Reducing waste and greenhouse gases.
Raise the awareness of our internal teams and adopt small everyday gestures
Raise individual awareness of the impact of our everyday actions.
Internal signage designed to provide a visual reminder of good practices (turning off lights when not in use, turning off taps, sorting waste, ending the use of plastic cups).
To perpetuate our internal actions in favor of ecology.
Reducing waste internally.
Carbon footprint
Carry out a carbon assessment and commit to a transition process using the Diag Décarbon’action.
Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions and implementation of a strategy.
Choosing greener production and clothing.
Use of recyclable materials.
Reduce the ecological impact of our production and products.
To act together
More than actions, PMS INDUSTRIE is taking part of communities and external associations.
The Biggest Climate coalition- PMS Industrie is a stakeholder of the “biggest citizen community dedicated to global action against greenhouse gases” : www.team-planet.com. Goal : to act together and reduce our greenhouses gases.
Firms communities to act for the environment- “Le Coq Vert”, a community launched by BpiFrance, stands proudly as the symbol of a French industry whose respect for environmental values is fundamental. PMS Industrie’s commitment to the environment is embodied in its various initiatives.